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Stonewall Riots




There are a million brands out there. Luxury brands, accessible luxury brands that claim to provide the side quality; but the reality is that a lot of them don’t often give back until there is a reason to. Enter Talya Menase, founder and creative director of her new brand NEXT SOCIETY. Based in Los Angeles, and produced her native Turkey. Her range of luxury leather goods are not only at affordable prices but produced with the same leather from the same tanneries as the worldwide luxury brands that line the streets of Rodeo Drive, SoHo, and Champs-Élysées.

When starting her company, which she launched in May of this year, her insistence on what would make NEXT SOCIETY different would be its formation of a community. Not only that, but each month she and the community would select issues upon which they would focus on for that month. Each month 10% of proceeds would go to benefit a charity towards that cause.


The mission of NEXT SOCIETY was to combine the passion she and her customers have for looking good and feeling great. But in line with her mission to give back, and help shape the society that we want to see, also give birth to the ‘NEXT SOCIETY’. “We are more than just a brand, we are a community that wants to have a positive impact on Society and the world, while looking and feeling fucking dope.”

Her mission with NEXT SOCIETY is for it to be nothing less than an immersive fashion label, with efforts in championing discussions around real issues we all face. It’s her goal to bring the community together, finding solutions and prevention methods using their ‘MOVEMENT’ page. It is through her desire for the movement aspect of the brand that I became involved with the brand, this product, and this mission.

The goal of the MOVEMENT page is to have a new call to action each month, on what people want to see changed in society and/or how they think we could go about planting that seed. Its purpose is to encourage customers and readers alike to submit their experiences that they would like shared. Hopefully in the process creating a ripple effect in expanding the consciousness and awareness of the people around us. Cultivating a space where we share steps on growth are shared, improved and perspectives shifted. Lets a chance to reprogram ourselves in a place you would never otherwise think of.


Talya and I were introduced through a mutual friend, as she was looking for someone to help in different aspects for Pride Month. We hit it off instantaneously, to the point where calls about one simple thing turned into three hour long life chats. It was a NEXT level match that had needed to happen. So with each month’s drop for the blog section, she ultimately labeled her original May launch Blog 001. So for this month’s Pride prompt, is titled 002: #PROUDSOCIETY. After months of both productive Zoom and ‘work-adjacent’ WhatsApp calls, we finally met in person yesterday for lunch at the Beverly Hills Hotel. The Pride merchandise had finally arrived from Turkey that morning, and we were dying to see it in our hands! It was so great finally to be able to SHARE A TABLE with someone, let alone discuss and see all of our plans for NETX SOCIETY’s PRIDE collaboration finally come to fruition. Not to mention an even bigger one that we have in the works, that is truly something else.


This month more than ever, having PRIDE in who we are, what we stand for, and what we DESERVE; has never been more important. At NEXT SOCIETY, for the 002: #PROUDSOCIETY we want to know what you think OUR “next society” should look like.

When NEXT SOCIETY launched last month, the story submissions asked you to share your views on our current society. Where do you see it shifting into in the near future? Well then last month happened, and no one saw that coming. Everything has, is, and going to be changing. As we progress, and the world progresses and regresses at the same time, let’s take a deeper dive. While Pride celebrations worldwide were unfortunately canceled due to COVID19, it allows us to reflect on what got us here. It’s important not to forget all that has been sacrificed and fought for over the past 51 years.


The rights that we are afforded within the LGBTQ community started from the riots 51 years ago at The Stonewall Inn. It wasn’t just those in the community that fought our fight either. It their our allys and friends who stood beside them and fought for their rights as if they were their own. In the same way people continue to do for the LGBTQ and POC communities. While we are nowhere near ultimate equality. But where we are now would be unimaginable without the perilous fights of those before us.

The LGBTQ community, especially the young, still face many obstacles. Many struggle to not only find their voice but their identities. They face homelessness, addiction, abuse, isolation, bullying, and self-Doubt. Even those who are out and live proudly, still struggle with some of those same issues and bear those scars. Privately or publicly. Which is why NEXT SOCIETY selected a charity that actively does things to combat those obstacles.

For #PROUDSOCIETY, your story may very well be exactly what someone, somewhere, really needs to hear right now. So write it out and submit to 002: PROUD SOCIETY, we want to hear from deep within all of you! What does pride means to you? How it has impacted your life or the ones you love? How do you strive for it to change and improve? We ask that when submitting your stories, you do so with that same pride. Our goal isn’t to only create a society within the brand that we everyone can share in, but actively participating in the change that we wish to see.


For Pride month, NEXT SOCIETY wanted to create limited edition merchandise celebrating to celebrate the brand’s first ever Pride. With that in mind, the HOMO-SAPIENS shirt was born. While it was initially designed to be a shirt just for the month of pride, shipping delays changed that. As products were delayed and halted around the globe due to COVID, they just arrived in LA yesterday. Now in an unexpected way, these shirts now seem to hold an even deeper meaning. Now that we have them in-stock, grabs yours now! You can also use the code PRIDE10 for 10% off your order!

It’s not just celebrating pride, it’s celebrating the pride we need to celebrate everyday. Now more applicable and meaningful than previously when they were envisioned and put into production. We are all homo sapiens, we are all human. Each and everyone of us, deserving of the same rights and protections. The importance of that goes farther than just the month of June. Just as though this wasn’t your average Pride, this not your average Pride shirt. Here is a behind the scenes look at some of the fun shoot planned over the next week to highlight the shirt and the message behind it!

Send us your photos of you in your HOMO-SAPIEN shirts! We’d love to see you wearing yours out and having fun in them! Use the hashtags #PROUDSOCIETY #HOMOSAPIEN so we can see them! Pull out those Polaroid Cameras and throwback disposables and have some fun with it!

We are all HOMO-SAPIEN


We selected The Ali Forney Center as our June charity in celebration of PRIDE. They work to protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness. They empower them with the tools needed to live independently. Given the current climate of what is going on throughout the world, we have elected to continue having The Ali Forney Center as the charity for both June and July.


Quality always precedes quantity. At least at NEXT SOCIETY, and each of the products are designed in Los Angeles and produced in Turkey. Produced in their family run facilities, NEXT SOCIETY comes from a long leather lineage. A family run business, and a heavy hitter in the fashion industry for over 60 years, NEXT SOCIETY is now taking it into a new direction. While continuing to manufacture leather garments and products for top fashion houses worldwide, NEXT SOCIETY is now included under that umbrella. All of the leather is ethically sourced and of the highest quality sustainable leather, and every piece is hand crafted in-house. Then we sell direct to you; no mark-ups or middle men. The leather you goods you contemplate buying in the boutiques of SoHo and Rodeo Drive over paying your rent, is the exact same leather that NEXT SOCIETY’s is produced of.


NEXT SOCIETY’s production uses what they call Green Leather. They take disposed skins and recycling them into products that are made to last. They source their leathers from Turkey, Italy and Spain from long-term trusted suppliers with whom their relationships span decades. Natural. Trusted. Green. Being a natural product, leather may vary in hue and structure from product to product, making each piece one-of-a-kind.


With pandemic, riots, and social injustices continuing to wreak havoc on the world, everything feels as if its at standstill. NEXT SOCIETY is moving forward. The HOMO-SAPIENS shirts, benefiting the Ali Forney Center, is available in both black and white color ways. The shirt is available for purchase on the site NOW!

Continue to drop by the site to see new products dropping, and sign up for the newsletter to stay in the loop and part of the society. There are many more great designs and leather goods products that are coming, and you definitely don’t want to miss out. Remember, leather goods are not only the main attraction of NEXT SOCIETY, merely a staple and just the beginning.



THE BEGINNING Pride like many things, is something that means vastly different things to different people. Whether it be two gay men, who people would often assume would associate the same thoughts and feelings with pride. Or a sibling…