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Scott Disick



This past Tuesday I finally joined the “dirty thirty” club, one I have ironically have been ready to join and ready to put my twenties behind me. To me turning thirty meant a variety of different things, focusing on my career, cutting “friends” out of my life who were there for the wrong reasons, and making myself the best version of myself that I could be. I have a friend Lauryn Evarts-Bosstick, who is the baddest girl boss behind and creator of The Skinny Confidential, spoke about and storied how she reads the The Daily Stoic each morning when she wakes up. written by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. As I was turning thirty, I thought let me read this book every morning when I wake up, make my bed, have tea and start my day in much more regimented way. By changing how I start my day off, which I know swear is the right way (at least for me); it has already made a difference in the way that my day starts, the good things that happen in between, and how it ends, It has manifested itself if into my daily life in ways I normally would have responded “okay” and rolled my eyes.

Reading that book every morning has truly changed the not only the way I go about visualizing my day, but how I will approach it and strategically plan it. Another book that I purchased at Anthropologie titled LEO, The Art of Living Well and Finding Happiness. This book is based according to your star sign, authored by Sally Kirkman, and has also brought to the surface so many true Leo traits that I have. I will be the first to admit not many of them are brag worthy, but my mother is also a Leo and we bought the book at her favorite store.

The daily reading in The Daily Stoic for my birthday, August 20th, was “inwardly, we ought to be different in every respect, but our outward dress should blend in with crowd.” They speak about how the cynic wandered the streets like a homeless person. If most of us at the time would have seen him, we would have thought Who is that crazy guy? This daily affirmation states that in fact, rejection of the basics of society alienates other people, even threatens them. More important- outward transformation- in our clothes, cars, in our grooming- might feel important but is superficial compared with the inward change. That’s the only change we know about. I found this ironic on the date of my birthday where people plan their outfits, pick out gifts, design beautiful cakes. I will admit I am guilty of that, but it was not a coincidence that was what the topic was on my birthday.

Which made me think, so I opened the astrology book on Leo’s that I got at Anthropologie on Mother’s Day, and was so intrigued by the traits that the book claims Leo’s have that I knew to be true to me, at least to me. An old friend of mine who I once considered one of my dearest friends, and is also a Leo himself, went through the book one night together to highlight the portions in which we thought were true or applied to us.

Full transparency, some of these traits aren’t that appealing and can come off as elitist, yet they are true none the less.

  1. You like to be in the limelight and being noticed, as well as enjoying being the center of attention, and love when people chase after you. Ironically I hate being the center of attention, I don’t even like opening presents in front of people.
  2. The quintessential Leo likes to be where the action’s at and parties, events, and big occasion, as they are our stomping ground. Leo’s gravitate towards group organizations and social get-togethers, often playing the chief role.
  3. Rarely think twice before saying yes to an invitation, request, or offer. I am definitely an over committer.
  4. It is rare to find a Leo who thrives on their own or is inactive. Its through your connections with other people and out in the world that your own personality flourishes. This is true, I don’t like being going to events alone.
  5. The sign of the Leo is associated with royalty. Unfortunately I don’t have a crown emoji on here, or the knife. I would use both both in this situation. Ironically my name does mean Little Prince. Eye roll again haha.
  6. In adulthood, or my case turning 30, its important to develop a modest amount of humility so as to not become a complete show-off. Choose your arena for self-promotion and ego buffing very carefully. This is some of the best advice I have ever been given.
  7. Key Concepts: Saucy Sex. A king sized bed and five star are secret pleasures and the more of an effort your lover makes the greater their reward. No words, it speaks for itself.
  8. Generosity is the key concept for a Leo in a relationship. You will not be happy with a partner, friend, or family member who lacks kindness or isn’t willing to help others. It’s rare to find a mean Leo and, having a generous nature yourself, you expect the same in return. This has always been one of my biggest problems personally is that I expect back what I give, and that is not how life works.
  9. Leo’s love to be in love, and they adore being loved. #Truth
  10. If a friend falls out of touch and can’t be bothered to contact you, it signals the end of the friendship for the Leo character. At times Leo’s can be quite dramatic when it comes to friendship and if someone disappoints you, that’s often the end of that friendship. You do expect a lot from your friends, but you also give a lot in return. You are the most generous sign of the zodiac, and you will sponsor your friend’s charities, and partner them them in their projects. Ironically this just happened to me with my best friend who is also a Leo, and all I can say is people are SHADY!

One thing that I have learned in this past year living New York City full time is that most things aren’t what they seem, the hustle is REAL, and a lot of people just like the gorgeous buildings need a lot of work internally and externally. I am hoping to take my thirtieth and be able to make myself the best version that I can.

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