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Ink Miami Art Fair




It is amazing to me that although Art Basel has been a cultural feature for almost half a century, it attracts the most contemporary of artists and their star-studded admirers. Hundreds of galleries descend on pristine the Miami coast from all around the world to showcase not only the masters of their craft but also the emerging artists that I find to be so engaging and provocative. Although, I think it is brilliant that they being the seventies to the forefront by showcasing a nod to the brilliant David Bowie, Ground Control is the public sector work that is setting the tone for the 14th annual Miami show.

For someone who likes to experience new and unique things, I have to say that Art Basel can be a jolt to the senses; it is not possible to take in all of the shows around the entire city, rather, I decided ahead of time to filter the shows based on my appreciation of an artist’s skill, the setting, installation and observing people in a new foreign environment.

I have heard people who are not fans of Art Basel, as some have stated that it is no longer about the art, rather it has become “pop-art”, that the show is shallow and pretentious. It is not that I am going to argue with them, but if I did, I would tell them that almost 80,000 people attending Art Basel would be exposed to these artists from over 30 countries and if some were inspired to make art a more meaningful place in their homes and wouldn’t it be possible to move art further into our hearts, minds and culture?

I for one am planning on having my appreciation for creativity amplified and my creativity intensified, how about you? En route the hotel and to meet up with my friend Domingo Zapata for his show tonight, Matador Zapata. Keep posted with updates from South Beach over the next couple days!