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Amalfi Coast

Inclinations Travel


Being on the go constantly is both exhilarating and exhausting. From figuring out what your going to pack, actually packing your suitcase, departing and arriving from the airport, unpacking, and then doing the same song and dance on the way home, it is a lot. But I love it, no I LIVE for it. So naturally me being me, I want my luggage to reflect in the same sense as in the same way we use clothes as a form of self expression. I want my luggage to tell a story, my story, and it does. Gray Malin has just made it easier with his newest addition to his lifestyle collection with his quintessential new luggage tags.

My checked luggage is from Rimowa’s Topas Stealth collection, which are matte black aluminum magnesium alloy suitcases with four wheels that help you easily glide through the airport. Perfect for traveling and I remember the day I bought it at Bloomingdales and how excited I was to use as I was leaving for France in a week. The second I saw it come off the conveyer belt at Charles De Gaulle all beat up, dented, and scratched I was furious after spending good money on a suitcase. But now I love it, as to me it represents seeing the world and experiencing new things, meeting new people, and enriching my life. It is now adorned with hotel stickers from around the world; from the Ritz Paris during Fashion Week (that is a story in and of itself),  Le Sirenuse in Positano, or random numbered stickers from Virgin America or Air France (?? My preferred airlines), it has had it’s fair share of love and excitement. Then it gets even better, as this past month one of my favorite artists Gray Malin released his new collection of luggage tags.

So now two of my favorite things, traveling and art, can now be combined into the very piece that holds my life together when I travel. Upon their release they launched three of his iconic baloon images, ESCAPE, GETAWAY, and my favorite I AM BUSY. I of course had to have all three being the Malinic that I am and they arrived just in time last week before I was leaving for the Sundance Film Festival, and I was able to utilize them all given I tend to be an over packer. I think that it is always important to have something distinctive on your luggage to differentiate your bags from all the others, as well give you piece of mind in knowing if someone picks up your bag and tries to leave with it, nope that is your bag.

I have never been big on luggage tags before, I would just use a green wrap that went around the side handle. But luckily Gray Malin saved the day with his ever growing lifestyle and travel products. That man and his team are not only visionaries that continue to produce products and images the evoke dreams, but they give you the ability to implement them and use them in your own life. For that, my hats off to you Gray! As we speak I am packing to leave for New York Men’s Fashion Week tonight, and you can bet those tags will be on my bags! I can’t wait to use these on yet another adventure of mine, and shouldn’t either. I would definitely pick one or all three of them up before they sell out, that tends to happen with his new product launches… They are that good!



The Candles Are Glowing Tom Ford’s new line of Private Blend Candles come in a sexy, amber-colored vessel, unlike many other candles. Their scents are incredible, and they say “bougie” on the front because they’re Tom Ford and also because it’s the…